
Sunday, January 2, 2011


It always piques my interest when I am asked by people, mainly ones used to spending to cover deficits, what else can be done.

Recently, I have been questioned by several in the community about what else can be done in Ferndale.

Well, I can sure answer that one!

1. Cut - Cut - Cut! Get rid of everything we don't need to survive or cut it to the bare bones minimums.

2. Freeze Non-Essential Spending - In times of budget crisis you do not buy new software, remodel city hall or buy new things. Those are extras for when you have a surplus.

3. Freeze Wages All city Employees should take a pay cut to industry averages or below. Employess can be fired and rehired at lower wages. Benefit costs can be shared. Extras can be cut. Once we are at a reasonable level, a complete Freeze on wages and benefits.

I cannot understand why people have a difficult time with budgeting. Whether you are a family, a small business or a municipality, you do the same thing people do when they receive a loss of income....trim their budget to match. You don't get a pay cut and then go buy 2 new cars and a new furniture!

Ferndale's Hot List of City Hall's wasteful spending:

Totem Pole - Cambourne & Woodward - $30,000
Crows Nest - 9 Mile & Woodward - $75,000
Multiple Consulting Fees - $100,000 plus each
Raising their own salaries - $25,000+ a year
Last city to cancel May elections - $10,000-$20,000/election

Need I go on???

If you know of more wasteful city spending or have more ideas on how to cut please comment here or email me at


Lets convene our own Citizens Committee to offer suggestions to Council for our budget woes. Contact me at 248-224-1973 or the email above.

Believe me when I tell you that there were many people with options that were ignored or muzzled. That time is over.

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