
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Worthwhile Government Spending

While most blather on about cutting government, I would like to point out some useful ways to spend tax dollars.

Today is a prime example of spending wise tax dollars. Although we could all clean off our own drives and sidewalks and then clean off the portion of the road in front of our home, we are willing to pay some money for the city to buy plows and do it for us.

Police & Fire. While we could all have hoses in our home and as a community fight each others fires, we choose to pay the brave men and women to do that. We could all carry sidearms and defend our own homes, but that may be difficult when we leave for work or shopping so we pay the brave men and women who serve our community in the police force.

Extras are nice but usually people don't choose to do them over losing neighbors. It is nice to have art on city property, but not at the expense of losing a family. Paid junkets are nice to have informed representatives and learn useful information....but not at the expense of having empty homes lining our blocks. We see how well the worked in Detroit.

It is important to evaluate city government at every turn. While it would be great if citizen representatives always told the truth and always seen the best solution. The fact is that some politicians and elected officials in every party at every level have lied. Some just do not see the forests for the trees....they are too close to the problems.

We must remain vigilant and open it all to the light of day for everyone to see. So far that has not been the case in the City of Ferndale.


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